Health & Active Living

Active Living

Students build a foundation for lifelong, healthy, active living through participation. Students partake in a wide variety of daily physical activities (e.g., yoga, wheelchair bocce, hockey) and identify what helps them develop fitness plans and goals.

Students also take into consideration different factors that affect their fitness (e.g., nutrition, mental health, heredity, frequency and intensity of activity). By participating in a wide variety of activities, students continue to develop and put into practice skills designed to get them moving.  This builds confidence in their physical abilities.

Healthy Living

Students consider connections between their health and the world around them and learn to use health information to make safe and healthy choices. Students learn about relationship changes at puberty and the physical, emotional, social, and psychological factors that influence sexual health decisions.

They also learn about the importance of healthy relationships, body image and substance abuse.  The study of healthy living also examines the impacts of bullying, harassment, and behaviours such as sexting.  The safe use of technology is stressed as 21st Century students have never lived in a world without social media.

Resources on right

See Quick Facts for Parents:

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) is a 24-hour, bilingual, and anonymous phonecounselling, web counselling, and referral service for children and youth.

Sexual Health Education

Secondary Health Education

A Parents Guide: The 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum 

Health and Physical Education Grades 9-12

Ontario’s Well-Being Strategy for Education

Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy 

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