Mental Health Week Wellness Challenge

Mental Health Week Wellness Challenge
Posted on 05/01/2024
Mental Health Week Wellness Challenge

As part of Mental Health Week, families and secondary students are invited to join us for a week-long Wellness Challenge from Monday, May 6 to Friday, May 10.

The OCDSB Mental Health Team and Youth Action Committee on Mental Health (YAC) have teamed up to create daily challenges that provide simple and fun ways to focus on your mental health and wellbeing. 

Visit our Mental Health Week webpage to find out how you can participate in these challenges:

  • Explore the outdoors for Mindful Monday
  • Focus on yourself and others on Tune In Tuesday
  • Try a new wellness practice or sleep routine for Wellness Wednesday
  • Reach out to friends or give back to the community on Thoughtful Thursday
  • Wrap up the week with laughter on Fun Friday

You can share your participation by tagging our official OCDSB social media accounts.

At the OCDSB, we strive to create partnerships with students, staff, families/caregivers and communities to ensure that every student feels they belong in their schools and classrooms, where we build skills to foster positive mental health and well-being, and where we bridge to identity-affirming clinical mental health services when required. To learn more about this work, see our Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy (2023-2027).


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