As part of our ongoing efforts to create and maintain safe, inclusive and accepting schools, the OCDSB undertakes a School Climate Survey every two years to gather input from students, staff, and parents in each of our schools. The survey is required by the Ministry of Education as part of the Safe Schools initiative, and provides feedback to each school about the extent to which parents, students and staff feel their school supports learning and positive behaviour and promotes a safe and inclusive environment.
2023 Parent/Caregiver and Educator School Climate Survey
In spring 2023, the OCDSB conducted a School Climate Survey for Parents and Caregivers, and a School Climate Survey for school-based staff. Highlights from the results of each survey are now available online. You can also review Frequently Asked Questions about this survey and view a copy of the questions.
2022 Student School Climate Survey
In April of 2022, the OCDSB conducted a Student School Climate Survey to gather input from students in grades 4 to 12. Highlights from survey results are now available online, and you can review Frequently Asked Questions about this survey and view a copy of the questions.