At its annual organizational meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, the OCDSB elected a chair and vice chair of the Board of Trustees for the 2024-2025 year.
Trustees Lynn Scott and Cathryne Milburn were re-elected as the Chair of the Board of Trustees and Vice-Chair respectively. Trustee Scott represents Zone 1, West Carleton-March, Stittsville, Rideau-Jock and Trustee Milburn represents Zone 12, Orléans West-Innes, Beacon Hill-Cyrville.
“It's an honour to be chosen to continue as Chair of the Board for the coming year, and I'm grateful for the support of my trustee colleagues. This school year is expected to be one of significant decisions. We will receive information in January on possible changes to our elementary programs, and I look forward to a meaningful consultation with the broader OCDSB community. We will also be adapting to new provincial regulations that impact our roles and responsibilities as board members, and continuing to update our policies. In this second year of implementing our Strategic Plan, we will be monitoring progress in the areas of learning, well-being and social responsibility. It's our job to ensure the OCDSB is run well, and to use all available resources effectively to support the success of all our students,” said Trustee Scott.
Trustee Milburn said, “It is an honour to serve another term as Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees. As we look into this next year, we will be faced with the outcomes of the Elementary Program Review and another budget season, both of which will need a space for robust discussion around the board table and our board's unity in supporting our community. Our decision-making must continue to incorporate elements of equity, inclusion, and accessibility as core to our mandate so that we can create a public education system that supports every single student in our community.”
Trustees were also elected to various standing, statutory, special purpose, and other committees that have been established, along with trustee representation to other organizations and agencies. See the full list below:
Lynn Scott
Cathryne Miburn
Committee of the Whole Budget Chair
Jennifer Jennekens
Audit Committee
Donna Blackburn (two-year term to 2025)
Julia Fortey (two-year term to 2026)
Jennifer Jennekens (one-year term to 2025)
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)
Suzanne Nash
Donna Blackburn (Alternate)
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
(elected in 2022 for a four-year term ending 2026)
Donna Dickson
Nili Kaplan-Myrth
Lynn Scott
Supervised Alternative Learning Committee (SAL)
Amanda Presley
Suzanne Nash (Alternate)
Director and Board Performance Appraisal Committee
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Cathryne Milburn (Ex Officio)
Donna Dickson
Lyra Evans
Suzanne Nash
Community Member Recognition
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Cathryne Milburn (Ex Officio)
Donna Dickson
Jennifer Jennekens
Suzanne Nash
Policy Review Committee
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Cathryne Milburn (Ex Officio)
Lyra Evans
Julia Fortey
Amanda Presley
Advocacy Strategy Committee
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Cathryne Milburn (Ex Officio)
Lyra Evans
Julia Fortey
Nili Kaplan-Myrth
Amanda Presley
Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA)
Lyra Evans (two-year term ending November 14, 2025)
Matthew Lee (two-year term ending November 11, 2026)
Jennifer Jennekens (Alternate)
Suzanne Nash (Alternate)
Ottawa Carleton Education Network (OCENET)
Donna Blackburn
Suzanne Nash
Agenda Planning
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Cathryne Milburn (Ex Officio)
Suzanne Nash
Jennifer Jennekens (Alternate)
Trustee Mentor
Amanda Presley
Student Senate
Suzanne Nash
Amanda Presley (alternate)
Alternative Schools Advisory Committee
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Amanda Presley
Advisory Committee on Equity
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Donna Blackburn
Donna Dickson
Indigenous Education Council*
Lynn Scott (Ex Officio)
Donna Dickson
Justine Bell
*IEC will confirm appointment at the December meeting