Parent/caregiver engagement is a key part of ensuring students’ success in school. There are many ways to be involved in your child’s education, such as providing a positive learning environment at home, having conversations with your child’s teachers, and becoming involved in school activities through volunteering, school council, or the parent involvement committee.
The Ministry of Education has created the Parent’s Guide to Ontario’s Education System. This resource provides parents and caregivers with helpful information that allows them to have a stronger role and actively participate in their children’s education.
The guide covers a number of subjects such as:
- How public education works in Ontario
- Knowing what your child is learning and how they are doing in school
- Understanding how schools support a safe and positive school climate and address inappropriate behaviour
- Getting involved in your child’s school by attending a school council meeting or parent involvement committee meeting
- Knowing how schools promote a healthy school environment
- Accessing specialized supports to help all children succeed.
The full guide can be found at