The OCDSB has implemented a number of Bullying Prevention & Initiatives in schools across the District. We know that when an entire school community promotes postive relationships, it is more likely to reduce bullying, peer victimization, and increase empathy.
Roots of Empathy - Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based classroom program aiming at reducing levels of aggression among school children by increasing empathy and fostering socio-emotional competencies. In the OCDSB, the program is delivered in English and French and reaches elementary schoolchildren from Kindergarten to Grade 8. The
Roots of Empathy program is considered a bullying prevention program, as children who have participated in the program are less likely to become involved in bullying behaviour due to their ability to empathize with others.
WITS - The WITS Program is an evidence based bullying prevention program that brings schools, families and communities together to create responsive environments that help elementary school children deal with bullying and peer victimization. The WITS program contains two parts: WITS for Primary students (K-Grade3) and WITS LEADS for Junior students (Grades 4-6). The WITS program is literacy based, provides a common language and builds responsive communities. Many resources are available on their
The Fourth R - The Fourth R (Relationships) is an evidence based program for Grade 7,8,9 students through the Health & Physical Education curriculum, which focuses on the promotion of healthy relationships and reducing violence and risky behaviours. Each OCDSB high school has a Gr. 9 Program kit & the program is currently being expanded into Gr. 8 health classes.
In Love…and in Danger (ILID)
This is a high school student conference and initiative in partnership with Family Services Ottawa in which participating schools attend a conference on relationship violence among youth and violence against women to provide support to high school students on maintain positive and healthy relationships. Follow-up activities with participating schools are run by ILID facilitators and students collectively work on a project in their school to educate their peers. For more information about ILID, visit their